Oh, NaNo, this concentrated writing time is supposed to follow my outline. And it mostly does. I’m just not sure what to do with it when I wrote a novella that was supposed to be part of book 2, and then started book 2 and I’m not sure how long this thing is going to take. How could 30,000 words go so quickly? Well, other than it being November- I found an accidental romantic interest for my villain, the passengers are just super annoying even in how they approach this trip, and my MC just found her eye twitching just dealing with the first few hours after the passengers boarded the ship.

It’s weird to have an outline that I’m following and still discover so much in my draft. Isn’t it? The passengers have a party of ten and outnumber the crew. It’s gonna be a long ride, folks. Here’s hoping we come out the other side without my MC ordering all the passengers murdered. That would definitely put a kink in her plans to get paid.

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